Our Spring 2025 season will begin on Saturday, March 29 and end on Sunday, June 8. For the second year in a row, we will be playing games on both Saturdays and Sundays. Registration will open soon!
The Miracle League of Montgomery County, Maryland is looking for a part-time General Manager to facilitate operations of the League in consultation and coordination with the Assistant General Manager, Adam Dantus, and Miracle League board members.
We estimate that these duties will require approximately 5–6 hours/week during the Spring and Fall playing seasons, and 1-2 hours/week at other times.
For for information, check out our Media page: https://www.miracleleaguemocomd.org/media.
To apply: Send resume and cover letter to Robby Brewer, Miracle League President, at rgbrewer@lerchearly.com.
Games are played at Washington Nationals Miracle Field seasonally.
Help us make game days a success by volunteering or being a buddy today!
Your support provides quality baseball for children with disabilities.
Thanks for your message!
We'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Interested in renting Miracle Field?
Many Thanks to Our Main Sponsor:
All Rights Reserved | The Miracle League of Montgomery County, Maryland