of  Montgomery County, 


Every Child Deserves The Chance to Play Baseball


As a sponsor, you can be a positive impact on the lives of youth with disabilities in the Montgomery County, Maryland area.  Below please find more information about our sponsorship levels.  Please contact us if you require more information  about The Miracle League of Montgomery County, Maryland sponsorships.  Contact us for more details and start your sponsorship today!

Grand Slam - $2,500
First pitch opportunity
Outfield banner
Stadium entrance banner
4 tickets to a Washington Nationals Game
Logo on jerseys
Logo on website with link
Logo in electronic communications
Social media recognition
Home Run - $1,000
Outfield banner
2 tickets to a Washington Nationals Game
Logo on jerseys
Logo on website with link
Logo in electronic communications
Social media recognition
Double - $500
Stadium entrance banner
2 tickets to Big Train's "Miracle League" Night
Logo on website with link
Logo in electronic communications
Social media recognition
Donate to MCAEL through your employer who might double your donation

Thank You to Our Sponsors

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