of  Montgomery County, 


Every Child Deserves The Chance to Play Baseball


Baseball Game: We all like baseball? Buy a set of tickets at the group discount rate. Host a tailgate party and charge your friends, family members, co-workers, etc . twice the amount you paid for the tickets! Not a baseball fan? Do the same for football, horse races, hockey or basketball!

Garage Sale: Ask friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors to donate unwanted items and host a garage sale to benefit Miracle League.  If you have enough items, try a local swap meet (they give away spaces to charities).  Check with Miracle Field to see if you can sell parking spaces vendors for your own swap meet.

Parties: Host a home product party and ask the sales representative to donate a portion of sales to Miracle League.

Restaurant Fundraising: Contact your local restaurant and ask if you can do a "fundraiser night."  Pass out flyers the day/night of your event.  Most restaurants donate 10-25% of the bill!

Sports Pool:  Have a Super Bowl, March Madness, World Series or World Cup Pool.  Sport enthusiasts have fun participating in this money making event.

Sell Flowers for Mother's Day: Ask your local nurser to donate a portion of flower sales for Mother's Days

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