The Miracle League of Montgomery County, Maryland is looking for a part-time General Manager to facilitate operations of the League in consultation and coordination with the Assistant General Manager, Adam Dantus, and Miracle League board members. Miracle League provides baseball opportunities for children and adults with physical or cognitive disabilities at the Washington Nationals Miracle Field in Germantown. We estimate that these duties will require approximately 5–6 hours/week during the Spring and Fall playing seasons, and 1-2 hours/week at other times.
Objectives: The objectives of the General Manager position include:
• Assuring a sufficient number of players to make games meaningful to the participating players and their parents;
• Increasing the number of players to assure sustainability of the program from year to year, and (over time) expand the player numbers/days of games;
• Assuring the presence on game day of an adequate number of coaches, buddies and adult volunteers to enable a high-quality experience for participating players and their parents; and
• Generally helping to manage all other program operations to accomplish the foregoing (e.g. marketing, provision of equipment & uniforms, field maintenance, communications, event coordination).
To accomplish these objectives, the duties of the General Manager
include the following:
Primary Duties:
• Recruiting & managing players for Spring & Fall seasons
• Recruiting & managing volunteers: buddies (teenage volunteers)
• and adults
• Recruiting and managing coaches for all games
• Database: creation, maintenance, utilization for players, volunteers
• Public relations & marketing: communicating game schedules, season announcements, overall communications, attend community events
• Social media: marketing, content creation, maintenance for Facebook, Instagram
• Attend all scheduled games, and on game days:
• Manage check-ins for players, buddies, adult volunteers
• Manage/take photos and videos of players and game play
• Manage assignments of volunteers to players, as well as the mentor
• relationship between volunteers and players during games
• Manage coaches and field personnel during games
• Approximately 30 minutes before the scheduled start of games, assure that all equipment is retrieved from the storage shed and organized on the playing field; also raise flags on the flagpoles. Manage game cleanup activities.
• When appropriate, arrange for water and snacks for players
Shared Duties: (duties performed with active participation by the General Manager):
• Website maintenance (done primarily by Board members and outside vendor)
• Equipment purchases, replacements, maintenance (done primarily by Asst. GM)
• Uniforms’ purchases, replacements (done primarily by Asst. GM & League Director)
• Players’ registration (done with assistance from League Director)
• Adult volunteers’ background checks (done primarily by League Director)
• Arranging high school and college baseball and softball teams’ players to serve as
• game volunteers (done primarily by Asst. GM)
• Coordination with Washington Nationals TeamUp Program and Bethesda Big Train
• Baseball (done primarily by Asst. GM)
Other Duties:
• Assist the League Director, as necessary, with Miracle Field maintenance issues
• Attend bi-monthly virtual Miracle League Board of Directors’ meetings
• Experience working in a leadership role with special needs children
• Montgomery County resident
• Good working knowledge of the game of baseball
• Experience working with public recreation and parks’ agencies
• Teaching experience with special needs children is preferred, but not required
• Strong ability to communicate orally and in writing
• Annual stipend, to be negotiated. Estimated to be approximately $5,000 annually
To Apply:
Send resume and cover letter to Robby Brewer, Miracle League President, at